Prasat Nakhon Luang (Nakhon Luang Palace) How much price from bangkok to ayutthaya ?

bangkok to ayutthaya

Bangkok to Ayatthaya : This beautiful ancient palace of Nakhon Luang District is standing by Pa Sak River and is believed to be built in the reign of King Prasat Thong of Ayutthaya around A.D. 1604. This palace is the imitation of the royal palace complex in the capital of Cambodia but it is not clear whether this palace was built as a chateau for the kings who visited the area of the current Saraburi Province to worship the Lord Buddha’s footprint or to serve as a religious place.

Based on historical evidence, it can be said that the construction of this palace had not been finished once it had started, and might have been abandoned, Before A.D. 1809 or the reign of King Rama I, Mr. Pin or Tapakhao Pin (Mr. Pin who wears white outfits) continued the construction of the palace and built the Nakhon Luang Temple and four replicas of Lord Buddha’s footprint in the Thai style square hall on the open porch of the palace.

Nakhon Luang Palace is a greatly beautiful one that is a mixture of the ancient construction and modern one from the restoration, which visitors can see by themselves. from bangkok to ayutthaya just 1 hr. by personal taxi

At the front of the pantheon, there is a Thai style square building (Mondop) called ‘Mondop Phrachan Loi (Mondop of Moon Floating in the Sky)’ that houses around stone the diameter of which is 2 meters. There are many legends about the sacredness of the stone. It is believed that this stone is an unfinished carved Dhammachak (Wheel of Buddhism).

How far from bangkok to Palace of Nakhon Luang ?
1 hr. from bangkok to ayuttaya by posonal taxi you can get cheap price. 

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